A personal welcome from our Founder and President:
The officers and members of the Central Pennsylvania Coalition United to Fight Cancer, 'CATALYST', invite you to take a journey with us as you visit our domain. It is our hope that you will become as excited and enthusiastic as we are to join in this fight against the disease called cancer. The statement that 'Knowledge is power' is a true and profound one. Through education, prevention and early detection, lives can be saved. It is never too late to care about your health. There are times when chronic conditions take a tremendous toll on individuals both physically and mentally. Although this chronic process may have begun; making good choices can still result in a quality life. You may ask, 'What can I do?' One of the most important things that you can do for yourself and those you love is to arm yourself with knowledge!
You can also join us by becoming a 'CATALYST' member, as this will benefit you as well as your loved ones. If you are a cancer survivor, health advocate, health professional, or just care about people, please call (717) 221-1014 for more details. We all need each other!
Blessings to you and yours,
Barbara E. Jackson, RN
Learn more about CATALYST
(C) Copyright 2024-2025 Central Pennsylvania Coalition United To Fight Cancer, CATALYST. All rights reserved.